Adoption is a life-changing decision, and you deserve to feel completely confident that your baby will have a loving family.
You may have questions like:
- What happens if nobody adopts my baby?
- What if I don’t have an adoptive family picked when I give birth?
- Are babies that are given up for adoption always adopted?
Here are the answers:
- Somebody will adopt your baby.
- You can pick a family at any time, even after birth.
- Babies places through private adoption are always adopted.
Anytime you have questions about placing your child for adoption, concerns about putting a child up for adoption but nobody adopting them, or anything related to the process, fill out this online form to learn more. Until then, continue reading to learn more about choosing adoptive parents for your baby.
You are in Control of Your Adoption
Every adoption situation is unique, but there is an adoptive family for every baby, so you do not need to worry about not being able to find wonderful adoptive parents. Every baby placed for adoption gets adopted.
Keep in mind, you are in complete control of who and when you want to place your child for adoption. Even if you don’t have a family chosen when you give birth, you still have plenty of time to do, and there will be numerous families who have dreamt about adopting your child.
Finding the best adoptive family for your baby is one of the most important and exciting steps of the adoption process. It is a choice you get to make. But, it is completely understandable if you still have some questions and concerns.
This guide provides more information on what happens if you don’t find an adoptive family by the time your baby is born, what happens if nobody adopts your baby, and answers other important questions about placing your baby for adoption.
What Happens if Nobody Adopts My Baby
One of the most common concerns birth parents considering adoption for their baby come to us with is, “What happens if nobody adopts my baby?”
When you place your baby for adoption, there will always be an adoptive opportunity, and specialists will be there to help you find the best family for your baby.
Occasionally, when prospective birth mothers contact an adoption professional, they already have a family in mind that they’d like to place their baby with — such as a close friend or family member. But sometimes, in these situations, even after settling on an adoptive family that you think might be perfect for your baby, the adoptive parents may not meet all the necessary requirements to adopt with your adoption agency, or maybe they’re simply not ready to commit to the adoption process. This can cause panic and concern that you won’t find an adoptive family for your baby.
Other times, a prospective birth mother worries that a family might not want to adopt her child because of her child’s special needs, medical issues, or because of her own personal medical or social history.
We cannot stress enough, no matter your situation, how far along you are in your pregnancy or even if you have already delivered your baby, there will always be an opportunity to find a family that will provide your baby a lifetime of love and care. Your adoption specialist will do everything they can to find the right adoptive family for your baby, including networking with other adoption professionals to identify additional families who may meet your needs and desires.
Whether you have an adoptive family in mind, are beginning to research your options, or would just like to learn more about families hoping to adopt, an adoption specialist will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with more information.
What if I Don’t Have a Family Picked When I Give Birth?
Unfortunately, how much time you have to pick an adoptive family can be a big source of stress for prospective birth parents. Many prospective birth mothers think that adoption is only an option while they are pregnant. This can lead birth mothers asking questions like, “What happens if I don’t find an adoptive family by the time my son or daughter is born?”
You may find peace of mind knowing that there are many women who do not find an adoptive family for their baby until after they have already given birth. Adoption is always an option, and you can choose a family even after you give birth.
No matter how far along in your pregnancy you are, an adoption specialist will do everything they can to find the right family for you. If you’re considering an adoption after your hospital stay, you have just as much time to find an adoptive family as every prospective birth mother we work with. It is never too late to choose adoptive parents for your baby. With such a life-changing decision as finding the family you will place your child with, you want to take your time, research your options, and feel comfortable and confident in your decision.
Whether you are pregnant or have just given birth, you never have to feel a time crunch to choose adoptive parents. You also never have to go through this process alone, adoption specialists are here to help make sure you are fully educated on the process and to guide you towards a successful placement with a family you feel meets your adoptive goals.
Are Babies That are Given Up for Adoption Always Adopted?
When you choose adoption, you are putting your baby’s needs first and are making the selfless decision to provide them with a lifetime of opportunity. It is natural to worry about what might happen in a situation where they are not adopted, or you do not have an adoptive family picked out.
Although every adoption situation is unique and the experience or process may differ, we want to be as clear as possible when we say that all babies placed for adoption will always be adopted. There will always be an adoption opportunity, and professionals are available to help you find them. With so many thoughts and emotions already involved in the adoption process, the fear of your child not being adopted should not be another.
Finding an Adoptive Family
Finding the best adoptive family for your baby is one of the most important decisions you will ever make — it is also one of the most exciting. As you work with your adoption specialist, one of the first things you’ll do is fill out a list of preferences that you’d prefer to see in an adoptive family. From there, they’ll send you different adoptive family profiles based on the traits and types of families you are looking for.
Finding the right adoptive family for your baby takes time. If you’re just starting the process, here are some questions to ask yourself as you begin your search:
- What kind of education do I want my child to have?
- Do I want their parents to be of a specific ethnicity?
- Do I want them to live in the state that I do, allowing for more frequent visits?
- Do I want them to have siblings?
- Can the adoptive parents have pets?
- Do I want them to grow up with a family who has specific religious beliefs
- And so much more
Remember, only you can decide which adoptive families are right for your baby. If you don’t find a family that you like from the profiles that you’ve been sent, your adoption professional will continue to show you different options until you find a family that you feel a personal connection with. From there, you will have the opportunity to get to know potential candidates better through meetings, phone calls, and in some cases, in-person visits.
Once you find a family you feel you can trust and are confident in their ability to provide the love and support for your baby you are looking for, you will choose them to place your baby with. There are always adoptive parents looking to grow their family through adoption, so you don’t need to think, “What happens if nobody adopts my baby?”
Contact an Adoption Specialist
Finding the best adoptive family for your baby should be your number one priority. It is as important of a decision that you will ever make in your life, but luckily, you don’t have to do it alone.
If you have questions about finding an adoptive family, concerns you have not found adoptive parents and your due date is approaching, curious what happens if nobody adopts your baby, or just want more information on the process, adoption specialists are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. They can help provide the best resources to ease any concerns. Click here to be connected with a helpful adoption professional, and you can even begin the amazing journey of finding an adoptive family for your baby.