Connecting with Your Family and Friends
How Do I Tell My Friends and Family?
Sharing your adoption plan with family and friends can be challenging. Here’s what you should know about having this conversation with the people you love most.
‘Giving Your Child Up’ to a Family Member
Kinship adoption, also known as identified adoption, is the process of placing your child with a family member or friend. How does this work, and is it a good idea? Find out here.
Dealing with Unsupportive Family Members
Choosing to place your child for adoption isn’t easy, and it can be even more difficult when you don’t have support from your family and friends. Here’s how to respond to this challenging situation.
Building Your Adoption Support Team
The adoption journey can be challenging. Building a support team to take some of the pressure off your shoulder is a key to success. This is how you put a team together.
Being Pressured to Put a Baby Up for Adoption
You should never be forced into a decision, whether that’s adoption, abortion or keeping the baby. Remember: This is your body and your choice.
Explaining Adoption to Your Other Kids
Placing a second or third child up for adoption can come with unique challenges, like explaining the adoption to your other kids. This is a situation many prospective birth mothers find themselves in.
Keeping Adoption Secret
Your privacy matters. Can you protect it in adoption? Here’s what you need to know adoption keeping adoption secret, anonymous adoption agency, state laws and more.