Open Adoption with Your Child in Wisconsin

Choosing to place your child for adoption isn’t a goodbye. If you have dreams of someday cheering on the Packers with your birth child by your side or spending a weekend boating on the Great Lakes, that is all a possibility — thanks to open adoption.

Open adoption in Wisconsin provides the best of both worlds. It allows birth parents like you to give your child the life and opportunities he or she deserves and give yourself the chance to see your child grow up happy and healthy. If you want, you can even have a relationship with him or her in the years to come.

But, open adoption can seem scary if you have no experience with this process. Coming into it prepared can make all the difference.

Below, learn a bit more about what open adoption is, what your Wisconsin open adoption options are, and how you can ensure you have the post-placement relationship you deserve. Want to learn more? Don’t hesitate to reach out to an adoption specialist for free online here.

What is Open Adoption in Wisconsin?

When it comes to post-placement adoption relationships, most birth parents today participate in some form of open adoption. Not only does this often provide the best healing opportunities for them, but it is proven to be the most beneficial option for all involved (more on that below).

But, what is open adoption?

It’s tricky to answer this; there is no singular open adoption “definition” to be followed. Open adoption in Wisconsin is simply any kind of relationship in which birth parents have direct contact and communication with the adoptive parents and their birth child after placement.

Often, open adoption contact includes:

  • Phone calls
  • Emails
  • Pictures and letters
  • Video calls
  • And even in-person visits

Open adoption is not a one-way relationship. The frequency and type of contact are agreed-upon by the adoptive parents and birth parents before the baby is even born. The relationship may change over time, but both parties are usually committed to the long-term communication open adoption involves.

When you work with an adoption professional, they will ask you questions about your open adoption preferences. From there, you will determine what kind of contact you want with your child and their adoptive parents in the years to come, and your professional will help make that a reality by finding an adoptive family who shares the same contact preferences.

You can learn more about open adoption by contacting a professional for free today.

What is Closed Adoption in Wisconsin?

But, what if you don’t want contact with your child and their birth parents after adoption? What if you just want a clean break?

This kind of process is known as closed adoption. Once common in the United States, it is rarer than ever — but still an option for birth parents who have fully thought it through. Closed adoption comes with many challenges for all involved. And, with the prevalence of DNA registries and more open adoption records, it’s no longer a guarantee for privacy and secrecy. However, if you feel like a closed adoption will best protect your safety and mental health, you might consider this path.

If you are thinking about closed adoption, make sure to do your research. You need to understand exactly what this will entail. You can always talk to a professional for more information on this kind of adoption journey.

What is Semi-Open Adoption in Wisconsin?

Sometimes, birth parents aren’t 100% comfortable with full contact but don’t want to cut their child out of their lives completely. Semi-open adoption lets those birth parents find the contact frequency that works best for them.

Semi-open adoption allows birth parents and adoptive parents to be in contact with each other through the mediation of a professional. This way, identifying information (addresses, emails, etc.) remains confidential. Adoptive parents and birth parents can send letters, photos and pictures to their adoption agency, who will then forward those to the appropriate party.

Semi-open adoption in Wisconsin, like open adoption, is what you make it. As a prospective birth parent, you will have the right to decide what kind of and how much contact you are comfortable with. Your adoption professional will help you find waiting adoptive parents who share the same contact preferences.

The Benefits of Open Adoption in Wisconsin

Many birth parents aren’t sure what kind of open adoption relationship is right for them. If you’re feeling the same way, that’s okay! Open adoption in Wisconsin is a lifelong commitment, so you want to ensure you make the best decision for you, whatever it may be.

You’ll find that many adoption professionals and experts will encourage some degree of contact between you, your birth child and their adoptive parents. There’s a reason why open adoption in Wisconsin is so popular; it’s been proven as the best option for all involved.

Here are just a few benefits of open adoption for every member of the adoption triad:

Birth Parents

  • The chance to see their child grow up happy and healthy with adoptive parents
  • The opportunity to share family traditions and history directly with their child
  • The ability to increase or decrease contact as they please throughout their life
  • The reassurance that they made the right choice
  • The opportunity to get to know an adoptive family prior to placement

Adoptive Parents

  • Answers to their child’s questions about heritage and family history
  • The chance to develop a friendship with their child’s birth parents
  • Access to medical history and information


  • Direct answers about their questions on family history and heritage
  • Two sets of loving parents
  • A more complete sense of identity
  • Personal relationships with extended birth family (not just birth parents)

Clearly, open adoption in Wisconsin is a great option for all involved. If you are curious about pursuing this path, please talk to a professional. They can explain more about your post-placement relationship options and help you find a family who shares your ideals.

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