What are your options if you’re pregnant in California? A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy in California has three options: parenting, abortion, or adoption.
An unintended pregnancy can be a very stressful for a woman looking at her options of pregnancy in California. However, there are people who are available to help you make a decision, and this article offers some helpful insight into making that decision. Any woman looking at her unplanned pregnancy options in California can seek out resources for help with her decision making, as well as help following through with the decision once it’s made. Your options for unplanned pregnancy in California are explained in more detail below.
What are My Options if I’m Pregnant in California?
Unplanned or unwanted pregnancy options in California include parenting, abortion, or adoption. The following outlines how a woman might make such a big decision and includes resources to help you once a decision about your pregnancy options in California has been made. While this is a heavy decision for any woman to make, be encouraged that once the right decision has been made, it will bring with it a sense of peace. Weighing out alternative pregnancy options in California can be made a little easier with the help of wise counsel, trusted support people, and a realistic vision of what life will be like as a result of that option.
Option 1: Parenting
Should I keep my baby in California? Am I ready to be a parent? This is a very important question to ask for any woman dealing with an unexpected pregnancy in California. It requires that a woman answer with honesty as to her personal situation. A woman asking these questions will want to consider the different factors of her life and assess where she is realistically at and what life will be like as a parent.
Some of these factors include the status of her financial situation, her relationships that are supportive and those that are not, her mental health, her spiritual health, and any other considerations. It may be beneficial for a woman to actually write down every category to accurately assess where she stands, and note how she can better her situation if she decides to parent. Once the decision to parent has been made, a woman may find resources to help her, such as the CalFresh program for food assistance, hospitals to deliver her baby at, pregnancy centers for additional assistance, and the California Department of Social Services for more resources.
Option 2: Abortion
If you are wondering what to do if not ready to be a parent in California, the next option you consider might be abortion. But your next challenge is determining how to decide to keep a baby or not in California. California does not have restrictions on abortion that are commonly found in other states, and parental involvement is not required; therefore, abortion is an option for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy in California. Choosing abortion is a tough decision that cannot be undone once followed through with. A woman choosing abortion will want to seek out therapy to work on healing after an abortion. Healing after abortion is possible; however, there are many women who struggle with making such a decision. If abortion is the right decision for a woman with an unwanted child in California, she will have a sense of peace about her choice.
Option 3: Adoption
If you are a woman asking yourself any of these questions about adoption vs keeping baby in California, then adoption may be a serious option to consider.
- Should I keep my baby or give up for adoption in California?
- How to know if adoption is right for me?
- What is more expensive: pregnancy or adoption in California?
- Is it possible to heal after choosing adoption?
Adoption is free of charge, and there is financial assistance for choosing adoption as well. Any woman facing an unintended pregnancy in California has the option of adoption, whether she is pregnant or has already delivered her baby.
Before making an adoption decision, it is important to weigh out the pros and cons of such a choice. Also, a prospective birth mother will want to think about what she wants her life to look like after adoption. A prospective birth mother remains in control during her adoption decision and can choose to have a relationship with her child after adoption if she wants to. She can choose an open adoption, semi-open adoption or a closed adoption. A prospective birth mother also has the honor of choosing the parents who will raise her baby. Healing from adoption is part of choosing adoption, and an adoption professional can help you through the process from beginning to end.
The options of pregnancy in California are to parent, choose abortion, or choose adoption. If you are still wondering, “What are my options if I’m pregnant in California?” then please fill out this contact form. Someone will reach out to you and discuss all your early pregnancy options in California with you. It is always wise to seek out counsel and support when making such a tough decision. While pregnancy has a nine-month timer, know that the option for adoption does not. Be encouraged that whatever decision you make will bring a sense of peace with it, and that healing is possible!