Choosing to give a baby up for adoption in Indiana is a process that requires a level of mature thought, self-appraisal, realistic viewpoints, and a whole lot of courage and strength!
An expectant mother who is putting a newborn up for adoption in Indiana should understand the weight of the decision she is making and, hopefully, consider it thoroughly before making a choice.
The decision to place a baby for adoption in Indiana is entirely up to a potential birth mother in Indiana. Adoption professionals will be happy to help you understand the adoption process and can walk you through the entirety of the process, should you choose to move forward.
If you are a woman asking, “Can I give my baby up for adoption in Indiana?” please read on to learn more about the steps of the adoption process. You will learn that adoption can be an option for any expectant mother!
You Are Not “Giving Up” by Giving a Baby Up for Adoption in Indiana
Giving your baby up for adoption in Indiana will be a process full of emotional challenges. It is hard enough to choose adoption and grieve the loss of your parental role, let alone cope with the idea of having “given up” on your baby. But, these feelings of “giving up” don’t reflect the accuracy of modern adoption.
Placing a baby for adoption in Indiana is a precious gift full of new opportunities for both mother and baby. Giving up a baby for adoption in Indiana is not “giving up”; it is choosing to make the selfless decision, no matter how badly it may hurt.
The selflessness it takes to choose adoption goes deep for any birth mother. A prospective birth mother makes a choice to offer her child different parents who can afford to provide her baby a better life. Birth mothers want the best for their babies — mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Sometimes, a woman must accept her own lack of resources and rely on the helping hand of others, and that takes courage.
Instead of saying you are “giving a baby up” for adoption in Indiana, use phrases that encourage adoption education and positive messages. For example, use more empowering phrases like “I’m placing my baby for adoption in Indiana” when talking about your journey.
How to Give a Baby Up for Adoption in Indiana
The process for wanting to place a child for adoption in Indiana begins with the hardest choice a mother can make for her baby — and can end in a successful adoption with a new life for both! Learning what the adoption process looks like is important for prospective birth mothers, so that their decisions can be made with understanding and confidence.
If you are wondering how to place a baby for adoption in Indiana, read on to learn more.
Step 1: Make the adoption decision.
Before a pregnant mother can walk through an adoption process, she must answer one question: “Should I place my baby for adoption in Indiana?” This will require her to consider many factors relating to her material, financial, and emotional capabilities.
Here are some of the questions that a woman considering giving a baby up for adoption in Indiana should ask herself:
- Do you have a level of maturity and range of life skills that would allow you to raise your baby in a happy and healthy way?
- Will you need financial resources if you want to keep your baby? Do you lack the ability to financially provide for your child short-term and long-term?
- Do you have a solid support system in place to help you take care of a baby?
- Does your relationship or lack of relationship with the baby’s father affect your adoption decision?
- Can you offer the baby a safe environment to be raised in, where all his or her needs can be met?
These are very tough questions to answer. However, adoption counseling can help. You can find this support from adoption agencies, pregnancy crisis centers, and other organizations.
After making the decision to place your baby for adoption in Indiana, your next step is to work with an adoption professional to create an adoption plan.
Step 2: Create an adoption plan.
An adoption plan is a series of detailed documents that describe what a prospective birth mother wants her adoption to look like and how those desires will be achieved.
As a prospective birth mother, you have control over the entire adoption process. If, at any point up until the revocation period ends, you want to change your mind about something in your adoption plan, just let your adoption professional know.
The adoption plan will typically include:
- What type of waiting family the prospective birth mother wants to place her baby with,
- What the post-placement relationship might look like between her, the adoptive family and her baby; and,
- A hospital plan if she is pregnant when going through the adoption process.
It is the responsibility and role of an adoption professional to assist you with your adoption plan, so be sure to communicate all desires and concerns with your adoption professional. Remember: All of your adoption services will be completely free to you as a prospective birth mother.
After you create your adoption plan with your adoption professional, the next step in putting a newborn up for adoption in Indiana is to find the waiting family of your dreams!
Step 3: Choosing an adoptive family.
Choosing an adoptive family for your baby can be a very exciting and hopeful process. Your adoption professional will take your adoption plan and offer you potential waiting families for you to review. You can choose to meet as many families as you like, or you might fall in love with one at first sight.
There are many topics you should consider when choosing an adoptive family for your baby, including:
- Is there a specific city or state that you want the adoptive family to live in?
- Is there a specific type of education you want your child to be raised with?
- Are cultural, religious, or political affiliations important to you?
- Do you want your baby to be an only child, or are you open to families with more children?
This is a crucial part of the adoption process, as this is where you can really start to imagine a new future for yourself and for your child.
Your adoption professional will set up a meeting with the waiting family you choose. While you are spending time with and getting to know them, you will move on to the next step in the adoption process, which is preparing for placement.
Step 4: Prepare for placement.
Preparing for placement is the part of the adoption process where an adoption attorney gets involved and requires signatures from you, as the expectant mother, for legal paperwork and proceedings.
If you are pregnant when you make an adoption decision, you will also add a hospital plan to your adoption plan.
The hospital plan will include:
- Which hospital or birth center you will deliver the baby at,
- Who will be present during labor and delivery,
- When you will place your baby with the chosen adoptive family; and,
- How you will get home when it’s time to be discharged.
This step can take time, so it’s best to focus on getting to know your chosen adoptive family and working closely with your adoption professional and adoption attorney.
After you have given birth and have placed your baby for adoption in Indiana, you will begin adjusting to life after adoption.
Step 5: Adjust to life after adoption.
Living life after adoption can be challenging — but you can find the strength to overcome them. There will very likely be a grieving process during which you will transition into healing from a legal mother to a birth mother. There are many resources available during this time, including online blogs, adoption counseling services, and birth mom mentorship programs.
If you choose an open adoption, you will continue to develop the relationship with your child’s parents and be a part of your baby’s upbringing. There will be sublime moments and joyful intervals, as well as pains and challenges.
No matter what life looks like after adoption, there is hope and healing available for those who actively seek it, so don’t give up!
If you want to give your baby up for adoption in Indiana, please fill out this contact form. An adoption professional will reach out to you, answer your questions, assist you in your decision-making, and even help you start your very own adoption journey!